APC Diaspora Council rejects Edo LG election

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APC Diaspora Council rejects Edo LG election

Dr Legend Asuelime, Director General of EDO-APC Diaspora Council, has described Saturday’s Local Governments election in Edo as a sham.

Asuelime said in a statement made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Sunday in Abuja that the election fell short of all indices of a free and fair election.

He added that the conduct of the election showed that Gov. Godwin Obaseki and the election commission have no regard for the rule of law and democracy, as well as the people.

“We the leaders of EDO-APC Diaspora Council, hereby join our party leaders in the state to reject and condemn in its entirety this charade of a supposed democratic process,” he added.

According to him, the state government should have simply appoint caretaker committees for the councils instead of wasting public resources in the name of election.

“It’s certainly a disgrace and imprudent to channel a huge amount of funds to the Edo State Independent Electoral Commission for the purpose of an election and then do not provide the needed logistics or ambience for the conduct thereof.”

He alleged that the election started late, and “when ballot materials eventually arrived in the late afternoon, there was no results sheets”.

This, he said, indicated that whichever party the people chose “will count for nothing”.

“What we witnessed was a sham that need not have a place in our nascent democracy,” he added.

Asuelime urged the electorate to be ready to vote out the PDP during the 2024 governorship election in the state.

He said that the All Progressives Congress (APC) will work to reclaim the state in a free and fair election in 2014.

“A clean victory is what we hope for because it is more enjoyable knowing that it comes with legitimacy,” he added.

NAN reports that the Edo Independent Electoral Commission declared candidates of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) winners of the Chairmanship election in all the 18 local government areas in the state.