Claims of missing manhood in FCT false – Police

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Claims of missing manhood in FCT false – Police


The Police Command in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) on Tuesday said it has found as untrue the alarm raised by 14 residents of the territory that their manhood were missing.

The Police Commissioner in the FCT, Mr Haruna Garba, said the alarm was found to be untrue after medical examination was conducted on each of those who raised the alarm,

Garba, who made this known while briefing newsmen in Abuja on the command’s achievements in the fight against crime, added that the 14 persons involved were currently being prosecuted following the confirmation of their lies.

“They are being prosecuted for giving false information and inciting public disturbances.

“The false alarm had also misled the Police in dealing with mob action which were carried out against more than 10 accused persons in the FCT in the past few weeks.”

Garba said the command was informed of more than 10 cases, mostly around Garshi, Gwagwalada and the Kwali areas of the FCT, adding that some of these escalated into mob action by the youths.

The police chief, however, said that no life was lost in the reported incidents.

“The FCT Police Command has recorded over 10 cases of alleged disappearance of male organs across the territory and the escalating incidents of mob action by irate youths.

“It took the intervention of the Police Command to prevent the loss of lives and property and restore law and order.

“Fourteen suspects who claimed that their male organs had disappeared were taken to the hospital where the medical doctor confirmed that their organs were intact and active.

“Consequently, they were charged to court for giving false information and inciting public disturbance,” he said.

Garba appealed to the residents to warn their wards and children to desist from raising false alarm, and stop resorting to jungle justice or mob action.

On claims that hospitals were turning down emergency cases without police report, the CP said the command had not issued any such directive.

Garba said this while fielding questions from newsmen on one Miss Greatness Olorunfemi, a victim of “one chance” robbery who was thrown out of a moving vehicle by her suspected attackers in Abuja.

Olorunfemi was said to have been brought to the hospital by a good Samaritan, but was not attended to by medical personnel who allegedly insisted on police presence or report.

The woman was said to have later died.

Meanwhile, the Federal Capital Territory Authority Directorate of Health Services had refuted the claim, saying the woman was brought dead to the hospital.

The police chief advised residents to be wary of boarding unpainted taxi cabs to avoid falling into the hands of the criminals.

“I wish to advise residents of the FCT to be wary of the kind of vehicles they board. It is advise that they should board only painted taxi cabs from designated motor parks.

“It is risky to board an unpainted taxi cab, otherwise known as ‘kabu-kabu’, as they may fall victim of these robbers known as ‘One Chance’,” he said.