Gov. Alia: Providing Services Beyond Expectations

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Gov. Alia: Providing Services Beyond Expectations

By Bridget Ikyado

Benue is no longer in the news for the wrong reasons. It seems that the locust years are over since Reverend Father Hyacinth Alia took over the mantle of leadership as Governor of the state. The state has in the last one year of Governor Alia, been put on a trajectory of development. This is a great departure from the past, when most of the news from Benue state were negatively nauseating whether in the realm of governance, servicing the populace, or protecting the lives of those being governed.

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One year after the Reverend gentleman strutted in as Governor, it has been a Benue of change, giant strides and landmark development. Alia has so far provided services beyond expectations to the people of Benue, who were hitherto forced to get used to marauders masquerading as leaders, whose sole purpose was to appropriate the commonwealth of the people and subjugate them to perpetual poverty.

Today, Governor Alia has turned the tide, exposed such leaders and liberated the people from the clutches of the ‘vampires’ who had retarded the progress of the state and emasculated the rights of the people to take positive actions to make the state better.

In the last one year, Governor Alia has pointed to a bright path that is leading to a greater Benue which the people have all aspired for.

A year ago, the governor had unveiled a 7-point agenda focusing on economic growth, infrastructural development, securing lives and property, prompt payment of salary, pension and gratuity, amongst others. So far, he has not disappointed.

In a speech to mark Democracy Day, Governor Ali said he met Benue state “in an economic ditch,” and that’s a fact.

He has however been able to reengineer the economic landscape by focusing on agriculture, which is the main occupation for majority of the population.

This interjection led to the distribution of 100 trucks of subsidised fertiliser to farmers during the last cropping season, and the impact so far has been tremendous, as it enabled more people to return to their farms.

“Beyond provision of assorted fertilisers, we also approved counterpart funding for International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD’s) Value Chain Development Programme in eight local government areas, with a view to enhancing rice and cassava production.

“We further established collaborations with agricultural input suppliers to ensure the availability of improved seeds and seedlings. “This was coupled with our reactivation of the swine and crop integrated project in Yandev, Gboko Local Government Area, through partnership with the French Development Agency to advance agricultural skills, as well as renovation of the infrastructure to boost enhance productivity,” the governor said.

To sustain the supply of fertiliser on long term basis, the state government had entered into a Public-Private Partnership deal with Star Fertilizer Company Limited to revive the state-owned fertilizer blending plant.

This is in addition to kick-starting the phased development of Ikyogen Cattle Ranch.

The government is also thinking smart. It is developing plans to dredge River Benue to boost agricultural activities and ease the movement of agricultural products.

In addition, it has presented over 33 new tractors and N380 million to community groups across the state to undertake climate-smart agricultural activities under the Community Revolving Fund scheme of the Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes (ACReSAL).

The administration has also shown more commitment to improving the livelihoods of all and sundry in the state through various interventions.

This includes creating 1,450 ad-hoc jobs through the Nigeria Fire Extinguishers Control project, with plans for permanent integration of the adhoc staff into the Federal Fire Service.

“We are currently setting up a multifunctional fashion hub in collaboration with the Office of the Vice President, to benefit over 250 professionals in the industry.

“In a similar vein, with 34 out of Nigeria’s 46 solid mineral deposits in Benue, we are on the verge of becoming a mining powerhouse. In view of this, we have partnered with Sound Core to clean up and develop the mining sector, projecting N3.5 billion in revenue through our annual surface rent scheme.

“While tackling illegal mining and educating communities on the legal benefits, our administration in collaboration with the Federal Government, has formed the Mineral Resource and Environmental Management Committee, to protect resources and manage community conflicts.”

Similarly, as part of the reengineering process, Governor Alia has revitalised government assets, including the Benue Investment and Property Company (BIPC) Kaduna Plaza and the Guest Houses in Kaduna and Makurdi. The operations of the facilities have also been digitilised for better service delivery.

To create job opportunities and boost the state economy, the government has set up BIPC bakery and water factory and launched Emperor Fertilizer and a Motorcycle Hire Scheme.

Other steps taken by the people-centred administration included the revitalisation of the state-owned moribund industries, many of which were being signed off to private hands by the previous administration.

According to the governor, his administration does not believe in the warped logic that ‘government has no business in doing business’.

“Today, I proudly inform you that we have initiated the re-establishment and resuscitation of these industries, including Benue Breweries, Taraku Oil Mills, amongst others. This aims at creating more job opportunities for our teeming youths, as well as improving our Internally Generated Revenue (IGR).”

One key area of the Alia agenda is the provision of infrastructure to reposition the state in all aspects of development, and so far, the state has witnessed massive investment in roads, with not less than 51 roads being constructed to enhance movement of people, goods and services. At least 98% of the roads have been completed, while others are still under construction.

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In total, the administration has awarded 51 road projects within just one year, including three underpass projects in Makurdi, Gboko, and Otukpo Local Government Areas.

“In addition, the ‘Light Up Makurdi’ project, extending from Agan Toll Gate to the Air Force Base and other parts of Makurdi, is now a reality and will be expanded to other parts of the State as we step into another year of our tenure,” Alia stated.

The government has also taken massive steps in the areas of transportation, health, education and skills training for the youth.
In the transport sector, the rejuvenation of the state-owned Benue Links Transport Company witnessed the addition of 100 new buses to transport people at subsidized cost, in addition to upgrading the company’s headquarters to global standard.

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“In health and social development, our administration was the first in Nigeria to implement the Revised Medical Residency Training Fund (MRTF) 2023, at the revised rate.

“We also re-introduced the Bond Scheme for medical students of Benue origin studying medicine, by approving the monthly payment of N103,000 per student. This is coupled with the approval of N100,000 monthly allowances for doctor-corps members serving in the State; as well as N15,000 as monthly allowances for other corps members posted here.

“Meanwhile, we have overhauled the Benue State University Teaching Hospital to meet international standards. We have also employed 500 new staff on merit, to augment the workforce.

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“Our administration has also commenced full clinical services at the Muhammadu Buhari Mother and Child Hospital, Makurdi, to reduce maternal mortality and offer free medical services to women and children under the age of five. Meanwhile, plans are underway to ensure an effective primary healthcare delivery system in the state,” Alia said on his one year anniversary.

One of the fundamental responsibilities of any government is the protection of lives and properties of citizens. It’s was glaring in Benue that this responsibility was woefully handled by the past administration of the state.

However, the coming of Alia has made government to prioritise
the security of lives and property, and ensure that all people, who have been displaced by marauders, return safely to their ancestral homes.

In this respect, the government has lobbied the Federal Government to begin the construction of resettlement homes for the internally displaced persons, while also working with security agencies and relevant stakeholders to ensure that Benue is safe.
The governor has been honest enough to admit that the task of addressing the security situation has been most challenging, but elated to the fact that the impact so far has been very encouraging.

“For instance, we have nipped in the bud almost all the inter-ethnic/community skirmishes that were prevalent before and after we came into office.

“Also, farmer/herder crisis and militia attacks have been contained through both kinetic and non-kinetic approaches. And we are determined to lose no sleep until we totally secure our dear state.”

The government has also taken a bold step in establishing a state security outfit known as the Benue State Civil Protection Guards. It is a formidable force combining the state’s Livestock Guards and Volunteer Guards put together to effectively tackle insecurity in Benue.

Contrary to the false narrative being peddled by those bent on sabotaging the administration, the government has not repealed the state Anti-open Grazing Law, rather, it has strengthened and provided more punishment for offenders.

In the education sector, the administration has made great strides towards providing unfettered access to education for all, irrespective of their economic status.

This includes payment of the 2023/2024 examination fees of all students in government approved public secondary schools in the state sitting for the West African Examination Council (WAEC), National Examination Council (NECO), and National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) examinations.

At the Benue State University, the government has provided resources to facilitate the expansion of its academic programmes, establishment of new faculties, restoration of scholarship for medical students, and payment of salary arrears.

The government has also upgraded ICT facilities in its determination to prepare over 10,000 youths for the global market, just as it targets to train over 60,000 youths with ICT skills to be self employed.

As a proof of its zeal towards re-writing the narrative of the education sector in Benue, the administration has allocated 15% of its 2024 budget to education, surpassing the 7% at the Federal level.

It has also trained over 150 headteachers, and distributed over 100,000 instructional materials across public schools in the state to enhance teaching and learning.

This is coupled with the establishment of the Benue State Education Quality Assurance Agency, saddled with the responsibility of daily monitoring and evaluating all schools across the state, with the aim of improving the standard and quality of education, as well as reawakening teachers and staff to their responsibilities.

This effort has so far yielded huge results, notably the clinching of an international debate trophy in Indonesia recently by four Benue secondary school students who represented Nigeria.

As the government continues to take bold steps to make Benue a haven for all, the governor has ensured that thousands of ghost workers, ghost schools, and ghost agencies were expunged from the government payroll, thereby freeing vital funds needed for the development of the state.

He has also improved staff welfare, ensures prompt payment of salaries, pensions and gratuities, as well as arrears.

“We have gone further to cut off all leakages and conduits of inefficient money consuming channels obtainable in the past.

“Let it be on record that our administration has borrowed no dime since we came on board, and we shall only do so when it becomes extremely necessary. Prudence in governance must know us and call us by name.”

Benue is certainly matching to greatness as Governor Alia strives to live up to the expectations and terms of his social contract with the people of the state.

The push, however, to make Benue great has not been a smooth sail as those who had held the state by the jugular in the past have been mounting campaign of calumny against the administration of Governor Alia. So far, they have failed to distract the government, and as the Reverend gentleman said, he will continue to step on the toes of such selfish and unpatriotic citizens in his unwavering resolve to bring comfort, happiness, and succour to the generality of the people of Benue.

As the administration struts into its second year, Governor Alia has restated his commitment towards re-writing the socio-economic narrative of Benue state by building formidable systems and institutions premised on fairness, accountability, democratic ethos, equity and justice; systems that are bigger and stronger than individuals.

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