Gov. Buni wants UNDP to support Yobe’s 10-yr Devt Plan

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Gov. Buni wants UNDP to support Yobe’s 10-yr Devt Plan

Yobe State Governor Mai Mala-Buni has commended the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for its support to the state’s reconstruction, rehabilitation and recovery drive.

Buni who gave the commendation while receiving the UNDP Resident Representative,  Mohamed Yahya in Damaturu, said that the state had been devastated by the Boko Haram insurgency.

“A lot of people have been killed, others maimed while those who survived, are living a traumatised life as Internally Displaced Persons and have lost their means of livelihood. Several public and private structures were also lost to the insurgency,” he said.

The governor also thanked the Federal Government, security forces and development partners for helping in various ways to normalise the security situation and enable most of the displaced communities to return home.

Buni said the state government was committed to mobilising resources and providing the enabling environment to scale up collective support and interventions, adding that the state’s goals included the generation of applicable policies and programmes for short, medium, and long-term stabilization and development of communities.

He added that his administration was committed to the restoration of basic infrastructure and economic empowerment of local communities to address the root causes of the crisis and enhance resilience.

Buni also said the state government would continue to ensure that youths in the state were engaged in productive ventures for self-reliance and sustainable growth.

The governor who expressed optimism that the UNDP delegation’s visit would bring more opportunities to the state, sought their support in developing a comprehensive 10-year Development Plan with a clear fiscal roadmap linking the humanitarian-development Nexus.

Buni thanked the UNDP Mission Nigeria, Swiss Government, North East Development Commission and other partners for their support to Yobe state.

Responding, Yahya lauded Buni for developing the health, education and other sectors in the state, adding that the UNDP would collaborate with the government in some of the priority projects of the state.