More than 3,500 children stabbing to death in Gaza – GMO

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“These children suffer from advanced malnutrition, which has affected their body structure, making them vulnerable to infectious diseases that threaten their lives, delay their growth, and jeopardize their survival,” the GMO stated.

“They lack access to basic services such as food, healthcare, and regular medical follow-up, with their conditions getting worse and more severe due to the deprivation of vaccinations and necessary medicinal doses in their early years of life.”

It highlighted that children in the Gaza Strip need immediate and fundamental solutions to the systematic deprivation by the Israeli occupation army.

The GMO explained further that the children need advance psychological care in light of the horrors they have witnessed, revealing that during the genocide, 15,438 children were killed, tens of thousands injured, while more than 17,000 children now live without one or both parents.

The GMO strongly condemned the continuation of the genocide and crimes against humanity committed by the Israeli occupation, supported by the US administration which include the targeting of children by killing, maiming, starving and depriving them of basic treatment and healthcare, as well as food.

It called on all free countries of the world to condemn the compounded crimes, which it said were part of the genocide against civilians in the Gaza Strip.

It also alerted the international community, UN, international and child welfare organisations, about the deteriorating situation of more than 3,500 children under five who are at risk of gradual death.

It urged the International Criminal Court, and other courts worldwide to prosecute the Israeli and US war criminals who systematically and deliberately target children, throwing them into unprecedented historical inferno.

The GMO called on the UN and the international community to pressure Israel and US administrations to stop the genocide, and open both Rafah border, Kerem Shalom and all land crossings to allow the entry of childres food and medicine.

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