Rebuildig A Better Benue

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Rebuildig A Better Benue

By Bridget Tikyaa Ikyado

The campaigns in the buil up to the 2023 election that ushere in Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Alia as Governor of Benue was a great opportunity for him to traverse the length and breadth of Benue.

It was sad and reflective moment to witness firsthand, the appalling situation of the people of Benue. The Benue’s face of insecurity, of dampened morale, of elders without hope and a huge youth population without a clear future.

The campaigns unveiled the massive picture of poverty, unemployment, despondent workers and retirees without salary and pension, decayed infrastructure, and a state driven to the ground by a systematic endemic corruption.

That set the stage for the transformative agenda of Governor Alia developed and is pursuing since assuming office. It is an agenda that has attracted support from those yearning for positive change in Benue, and an agenda that’s opposed by the rent seekers who had grounded the state and are now afraid that Alia’s transformation initiatives has already exposed their anti-people line of politics.

Their attempts to mislead the populace has so far fall flat on its face. The people of Benue are now wiser, and ready to protect their collective interest.

One key issue the governor has been focusing attention to was industrialisation. It is key to turning around the state’s economy. Thus, right from his inaugural speech, he has been deeply committed to industrialising the state for massive development.

“l am ready and willing to provide the requisite leadership to take that leap of faith into the future of shared prosperity for Benue and l will not fail you,” he said in his inaugural speech.

As a man of his words, Governor Hyacinth Alia has proactively demonstrated statesmanship in his resolve to return Benue on the path of prosperity. This is visible in the ongoing construction of 16 township roads in Makurdi metropolis, with a shift soon to communities at the grassroots. This will certainly enhance economic activities for sustainable growth and development of the state.

Again, true to his words, Alia has commenced the process for the return of Internally Displaced Persons back to their ancestral homes. In appreciaton of the governor’s genuine efforts in this direction, Alia has already earned a new name: the ‘Solution Governor’. The construction of resettlement homes at Tatyough – Mbagwen, Makurdi Local Government Area, has since begun.

The Governor in his benevolence and having the Benue people at heart has ensured Civil Service reforms were priotised, with Civil servants having prompt payment of salaries on the 25th of every month, thus earning the nickname ‘Mr 25th’. He has also been clearing and paying  pensions and gratuities.

The remodeling of the 42-year-old state Secretariat complex speaks volume to what the government of the day wants workers to have in order to give in their best to the service of the state and its people. The civil service, which is the engine room of government, is now running at full speed.

Worthy of mention is the payment for the registration of SSCE and NECO for the 2023/2024 academic year for all Benue indigenes in public secondary schools.

The injection of 100 new buses for Benue Links Transport Company has no doubt cushioned the rising transport fares and ease the burden on poor commuters.

Similarly, after years of fertilizer draught, Governor Hyacinth Alia bought the commodity and distributed it to farmers at subsidized rate.

The Benue State House of Assembly complex is been reconstructed. The hitherto dark Makurdi town is been illuminated through installation of solar street lights and Benue people now realize that salaries and pension is their entitlement and an obligation on the side of government to pay, not a favour as past administrations claimed.

The decision for the government to construct an underpass at the heart of Makurdi, the state capital, is not only the first of its kind, but timely, and a time the Federal Government has agreed to construct a flyover at the Wurukum roundabout in Makurdi. These are gigantic, laudable legacy projects.

The bridges, as work commences, have several benefits to all classes of citizens in the state and visitors. These advantages include Urban renewal, beautification and development, ease of transportation of goods and timely movement of people.

There are also multiplier effects on the economy as the projects provide direct and indirect jobs, while local suppliers of construction and related materials will be patronized and empowered. This is apart from businesses for bottled and satchet water sellers, fruits and food vendors, cashing out daily.

The bridges will end the hardship commuters go through, and enhance local economy.

The Governor 2024 Budget of Infrastructure Development, Job Creation and Poverty Alleviation’, reflects the administration’s steadfast commitment to fostering economic growth and social progress across the state.

Conspicuous among other glamourous achievements of the governor are reforms of  the state-owned transport company, where for the first time, 100 new buses were commissioned to ease transportation and evacuation of food produce from the farms.

The Benue government has tremendously improved the health sector with placement of state of the art medical facilities and other reforms in the BSUTH; and the opening of the Muhammadu Buhari Mother and Child Hospital for affordable maternal and child services.

At the School of Medical Health Sciences, Benue is the first to implement and enjoy bonds and other policies made for medical student’s welfare.

Also, on youth and women empowerment, the government is training 10,000 youth by Google and Microsoft, to use their new knowledge to build an economic, ICT based ecosystem, and support the military and other security agencies in tracking and apprehending criminals, to ensure that lives and property were safe in the state.

While it is not expected that opposition would clap for the Governor, it is an abuse to the sensitivity of well-meaning people of the state for the sore losers to continue to pollute the media space with lies against the APC administration.

However, it is crucial to remember that the road to progress is often met with obstacles and challenges. These distractions arise because Alia is already demystifying those who held the people in contempt, and exposing their selfish agenda, which is partly to keep the people of Benue in perpetual want and poverty, while they loot the common patrimony.

Thus, to truly achieve democratic dividends and ensure progress for Benue, it is imperative for the people to show massive support to the governor and other leaders advocating for unity, understanding and collaboration to bring about positive changes and development to every part of the state.

The people of Benue can help create a conducive environment for development and understanding, through collective efforts and support, particularly by the youths, who are the future custodians of Benue’s future.

As the governor moves towards completing nine months in office, he has remained steadfast in fulfilling his pledge to build a new Benue through his seven-point agenda. This include the security of lives and property of the people; investing in agriculture and rural development, as well as commerce and industry.

It is also a key vision of the Alia administration to raise the vast human capital in Benue and engineer robust development in the social, infrastructure and environment sectors.

In the long run, the target is to have a crop of young, smart and Information and Communication Technology savvy, who are exploring and investing in the vast economic opportunities in ICT for the economic, political, and social development of Benue State.

The Governor should remain firm in God and surround himself with individuals who share his vision, listen to the voices of the people, and seek advice from those who genuinely have the interest of Benue at heart. This will ensure that decisions taken are well guided and grounded, as well as shielded from those who will seek to derail the progress being made in building a new Benue.

Bridget Tikyaa Ikyado is the Principal Special Assistant on Media, Publicity and Strategic Communication to Gov. Hyacinth Alia of Benue State.