Sen. Ndume Initiates Restoration of Telecom  Services in Southern Borno

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Sen. Ndume Initiates Restoration of Telecom  Services in Southern Borno

By Muhammad Maitela, Maiduguri

In response to the pressing concerns voiced by constituents in southern Borno regarding the urgent need for the restoration of telecommunication networks, particularly MTN, Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume, representing Borno South, has taken decisive action to restore the network in the area.

This was contained in a statement issued by Sen. Ndume’s Senior Legislative Aide on Media, Junaid Jibril Maiva.

He said Ndume has approved the appointment of veteran Telecommunications expert, Engr. Yuguda Vungas, to spearhead the restoration efforts across Borno South.

“The absence of telecommunications, especially MTN, has had a significant impact on businesses and digital transactions in various areas within Borno South, as highlighted by concerned constituents.

“The restoration efforts aim to address these challenges and contribute to the overall revitalisation of economic and social activities in the affected areas.

“Recognizing the paramount importance of a functional telecommunications network to the wellbeing and development of the zone, Senator Ndume has been a driving force behind the push for restoration.

“His commitment to this cause is evident through his proactive engagements with MTN management staff.”

He added that, Senator Ndume expressed his gratitude to Engr. Vungas for voluntarily availing himself for the assignment and assured him of his full support.

He encouraged the appointee to work towards restoring the network as quickly as possible.

Engr. Yuguda Vungas, a professional Engineer and a pioneer staff of NITEL, brings with him a wealth of experience, having risen to managerial positions in the defunct company.

His network and expertise are expected to be instrumental in addressing the telecommunication challenges faced by the zone.

The areas slated for reconnection or additional telecommunication infrastructure include Gwoza, Damboa, parts of Chibok, Bayo, Kwaya Kusar, and some segments of Hawul local government area.