Snake Kills ISWAP Commander In Borno

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Snake Kills ISWAP Commander In Borno

A field commander of the Islamic State of West African Province (ISWAP) has reportedly died in Borno state three days after being bitten by snake.…

Counter-insurgency expert Zagazola Makama, said the commander simply identified as Kiriku was injured in an ISWAP hideout in Damboa LGA of Borno when a snake bite him on Tuesday, and eventually ied on Friday.

According to Zagazola Makama, the ISWAP commander was unable to receive medical treatment, which led to his demise.

Prior to his passing, Kiriku conducted operations within the Jiddari area of Chiralia, which is located in the Timbuktu triangle – a stronghold for both Boko Haram and SWAP.

The Timbuktu triangle spans across four LGAs in Borno – Damboa, Jere, Kaga, and Konduga – as well as Gujba LGA in Yobe state.

Kiriku was known for leading numerous attacks and ambushes against troops belonging to Operation Hadin Kai in Borno.