In the modern world, social media has become a powerful tool for communication, education and entertainment. Platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and Facebook provide instant access to information and allow users to create content for a global audience. While social media offers many benefits, it also presents significant challenges and risks, particularly from an Islamic perspective.

As both content creators and consumers, we must be aware of the spiritual and ethical dangers of social media and strive to use it in a way that aligns with the values of Islam. To support this, we have created a set of Social Media Guidelines, which you can access here. These guidelines provide practical steps to ensure your online presence remains responsible and balanced.

Risk of Riya (Showing Off)

For content creators, social media can easily become a platform for seeking attention, validation and admiration from others. This can lead to riya, the act of showing off or performing good deeds for the sake of gaining recognition. Intentions are critical, and any action that is not performed sincerely for the sake of Allah (ikhlas) loses its reward. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Actions are judged by intentions, and everyone will be rewarded according to what they intended” (Bukhari).

Creating content for fame, likes or followers rather than to serve a higher purpose can harm one’s spiritual growth. It’s important for Muslim content creators to constantly renew their intentions and ensure that their actions, including those on social media, are done to spread goodness and positivity, not for worldly recognition.

Danger of Vanity and Narcissism

Social media often encourages self-promotion, and many users fall into the trap of excessive self-obsession. Posting photos, videos and updates may sometimes lead to vanity, where one’s sense of worth becomes tied to external validation. Islam warns against such behaviour, as The Majestic Quran reminds us: “Allah does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful” (An-Nisa:36).

Content creators must be mindful not to let social media fuel arrogance or narcissism. Instead, they should use their platform to promote humility and modesty, traits that are highly valued.

Impact of Hasad (Envy)

On the other side, as content consumers, we must be cautious of how constant exposure to curated and idealised content can impact our mindset. Watching others showcase their successes, wealth or appearance can lead to feelings of inadequacy or envy (hasad), which the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) warned against “Beware of envy, for envy devours good deeds just as fire devours wood” (Abu Dawud).

It is essential to remember that what we see on social media often reflects only the best moments of someone’s life, not their struggles or hardships. Comparing our lives to these curated images can diminish gratitude and lead to negative feelings. Instead, we should be content with what Allah has provided and focus on self-improvement rather than comparison.

Spreading of Harmful Content and Misinformation

Another danger of social media lies in the spread of harmful or false information. Sharing falsehoods or participating in slander and gossip is strictly prohibited. Allah says in the Quran: “Believers, if a discredited person brings you news, then check it in case you cause harm to others ignorantly, and then later regret what you did” (Al-Hujurat: 6).

As consumers of content, we must verify the information we come across before sharing it. Content creators, too, carry the responsibility of ensuring that what they produce is truthful, beneficial and not misleading. Misuse of social media to spread harmful or unverified information can lead to significant consequences, both in this life and the hereafter.

Guidelines for Navigating Social Media Responsibly

To help you navigate social media in a way that aligns with Islamic values, we have developed a comprehensive set of Social Media Guidelines. These guidelines provide practical advice for both content creators and consumers on maintaining ethical and spiritual integrity online.

Social media is a powerful tool that can be used for both good and bad. We must approach it with caution, always mindful of our intentions, actions and the potential consequences they may have. Whether we are creating content or consuming it, we must strive to align our online behaviour with Islamic principles of truthfulness, modesty, humility and sincerity. By doing so, we can turn social media into a positive force for spreading goodness and building a more compassionate, informed and ethical online community.