Water Scarcity: Gov. Buni raises Diesel supply to 60,000 Litres for Damaturu

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Water Scarcity: Gov. Buni raises Diesel supply to 60,000 Litres for Damaturu

By Muhammad Maitela, Damaturu

Yobe State Governor, Mai Mala Buni, has raised the monthly supply of diesel from 40,000 litres to 60,000 to power boreholes in order to improve water supply in Damaturu, the state capital, and environs.

Governor Buni also directed the water corporation to involve communities in the distribution and utilisation of the diesel to  power all public boreholes in the capital city and surrounding areas.

The General Manager (GM) of the corporation, Engr. Mahdi Baba Zarma said in Damaturu that the move was to bring to an end the water scarcity in Damaturu.

Engr. Zarma said that with the corporation will now have enough diesel for water supply.

“The water scarcity arose due to the destruction of a critical 330KV electricity transmission line by unknown vandals. This left many boreholes to rely 100% on generators and significantly impacting on access to clean water for residents.

“Following the scarcity, Governor Buni directed the immediate distribution of diesel to all boreholes in Damaturu and environs to ease the problem of water scarcity being faced.

“With the increase in the supply of diesel, it is certain that the problem would be addressed,” the GM assured.